I am not the world's fastest runner. I am not the world's longest distance runner. I am, perhaps, the world's craziest runner.
By crazy, I don't mean the runner who gets up at 2 am to get in a run before work. I don't mean the runner who goes hog wild and runs hills with 17% grades just so she can talk about it at the next dinner party (though that does sound like a good challenge). I don't mean the runner who likes to run in unsafe places at unsafe times.
I mean that when I run, my mind just unlocks, free flows and I go a little crazy. In a good way.
To give you an example of what I mean, here is a random sample of the kind of questions I mulled over on today's five-mile run:
• Why are people deliberately unkind?
• Who came up with the name "Snuffleupagus"? (I think it is a brilliant children's character name)
• What constitutes family? Is it more than just a DNA connection? If so...what defines the family tie?
• What will my future daughters-in-law be like? And what are they doing now?
• In 2034, will be still have printed books or will everything be published on some sort of an e-reader by that point?
• Will Hayden (my 13-year-old), get to work in Silicon Valley (his current goal)?
• Why is there so much litter in my town? Haven't we (as a society) gotten past the point of littering? And if not, what does that say about us?
• If I wave at every single car that drives past me, I wonder how many will wave back? (I tested this at the end of my run and of the 13 that passed, 7 waved back.)
"You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven." —Jimi Hendrix
Run on, my friends. Run on.