One year ago, I set a few New Year challenges for myself: try to take a photo every day, and try to write more for pleasure (I write almost every day for my job). My vehicle for sharing was this blog. With chagrin I report that my photo challenge lasted less than a month. However, today is my blogiversary...I have lasted a year with writing routinely and sharing it publicly (50 posts in total). Given that there are so many unfinished projects around my house, I consider this a huge success.
In addition to this accomplishment, 2010 held some very nice surprises. Chief among them was our family's service trip to the Dominican Republic (which I blogged about excessively). While I was chaperoning the trip for my employer (Watkinson School), for sure the highlight of the trip was that all four Frenches got to do this together. 2010 was also the first (and potentially only) time my boys got to be teammates, with Paul as one of the coaches. For two kids who can barely get along when they are just sitting next to each other on the couch, it was a pleasure to see them work side by side, both in La Romana and on the baseball field.
2010 also signaled the end of Turner's little league career. After hundreds and hundreds of outings to the Yalesville Little League fields, it was very bittersweet to see his commitment climax with the 12-year old all-stars championship game at the Giamatti Little League Complex, with Turner on the mound, with a loss to Farmington. Ironically, the parents cried...Turner was totally fine. He was happy just to have had the chance.
2010 also included an invitation for Hayden to join the STEP program at his school. While not a big deal in and of itself, it heralded a new way of thinking for Hayden. He now pursues much more clever and adventurous projects at home (wordles, homemade ugly dolls, and as I write this is in the midst of making a sock creature).
While I have yet to set any goals for 2011 yet (as I rarely do anything the same way twice!) I have thought about the year ahead: Turner will start high school, Hayden will start middle school, Paul will turn 50. These are big milestones. I am eager for it all.
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